Data Feeds & APIs

All the data you’ll ever need, delivered on demand.

Find out more

Enhance your market intelligence. Make better business decisions. Manage risk and increase margins. Available as SFTP or API delivery.

Yes, please contact me about Data Feeds & APIs

Please note we are unable to respond to requests from private individuals about vehicle valuations.

* Mandatory

Please note that we can offer our products and services to business customers only. A Glass’s employee will contact you personally and give you a free trial access to our services. The processing of your personal data is based on Article 6 paragraph 1 point b) and point f) GDPR as described in the Glass’s Privacy Policy. We are entitled to send you information about our own similar goods and services to the e-mail address you provided. You can object to this use of your e-mail address at any time free of charge except for the costs of the transmission of the refusal. More information about the processing of your personal data can be found in the Glass’s Privacy Policy.

How we can help you

Autovista is at the forefront of big data innovation in the automotive industry. Combining strong technical understanding with sophisticated analytical engines – updated regularly for greater accuracy – we consistently deliver robust and reliable data that can easily be integrated into your systems for effective risk management and market intelligence.

Quickly and correctly identify

Detailed technical specifications available, including NVIC for valuations.

Accurately valuate

With the NVIC generated during identification, access real-time market values for your vehicle of choice to reassess the risk position and reassert business decisions in order to bolster commercial performance.

FAQs about APIs

APIs are an integrated solution that gives you the benefits of our complete data feeds without the unnecessary additional data. They’re available on a pay-per-use basis or on full or partial access depending on your needs.

They’re cloud-based – meaning your data isn’t stored on a single computer for greater security and accessibility.

Data accessed through our APIs can also be adjusted for mileage, with different views and ability to look at Kilometers, for a more accurate valuation. So if your fleet has 1000 cars of the same make and model, whereas the data feed would provide you with a single entry, the API would offer 1000 different entries adjusted for mileage.

This depends on your company’s IT capacity. However, we offer detailed integration guides as well as additional technical support to ensure the APIs are up and running after purchase.

Our comprehensive specification data feeds cover 99 per cent of vehicles on the market – with more being added daily – including all types of electric vehicles and hybrids. With easy identification with the NVIC you can see comprehensive specification and valuation data.

To find out more, please fill out the form below and somebody will be in touch to answer any queries you may have:

Yes, please contact me about Data Feeds & APIs

Please note we are unable to respond to requests from private individuals about vehicle valuations.

* Mandatory

Please note that we can offer our products and services to business customers only. A Glass’s employee will contact you personally and give you a free trial access to our services. The processing of your personal data is based on Article 6 paragraph 1 point b) and point f) GDPR as described in the Glass’s Privacy Policy. We are entitled to send you information about our own similar goods and services to the e-mail address you provided. You can object to this use of your e-mail address at any time free of charge except for the costs of the transmission of the refusal. More information about the processing of your personal data can be found in the Glass’s Privacy Policy.

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